The Challenge Accepted Party is Proudly supporting Barney in his campaign to the white house! He supports you, the American people and wants to solve your issues!
If there's any third party candidate that can, its Barney!
Vote Barney, a true American
Barney 2016
12/9/2013 03:39:26 am

what do you plan to do instead of obamacare?

12/9/2013 03:39:32 am

What is the biggest issue that Barney Stinson would like to solve?

Barney Stinson
12/17/2013 06:46:55 am

That is a great question Ben because I care about so many issues. The biggest Issue that I would like to solve for the American People is the issue of energy. Renewable energy is our future, and with america's current energy supply being oil, we need to change it if we are to continue growing on as a nation. It is unfortunate that we need to switch our main energy supply, but it has to happen if we are to continue living on this planet.
Thank you and God bless!
Barney Stinson

12/9/2013 03:41:59 am

what is his goal for this country?

12/9/2013 03:44:11 am

Barney, what do you believe is your greatest accomplishment, and how will this help you bring peace and justice to America??

Barney Stinson
12/17/2013 07:17:01 am

That is a fantastic question Trevor. I am assuming you have read my biography or my award winning book, but If not, you must know that I have achieved numerous accomplishments in my life time. Out of all the accomplishments I have made, I must say the greatest one was giving back to the world when I created non-profit organization for Rwandan children. It raises money for malaria vaccinations not just for the children but for the villages that they live in as well. I will bring peace and justice to America by implementing the lessons I have learned through my accomplishments and my failures.I will give back to the American people.
As Gandhi said: "Be the change that you want to see in the world."
That change to me is for a better America, and to help America become greater than it ever has been by creating good foreign relations, and creating jobs for the American people to whip our economy back in to shape. The middle class is the backbone of this country and I will accept their challenges to create better lives for them.
Thank you and God Bless!
Barney Stinson

12/9/2013 03:46:23 am

How does Barney feel about foreign policy? Since he's part of the challenge accepted party does he think violence is the answer?

12/9/2013 03:46:44 am

What does Barney plan to do with our military?

12/9/2013 03:51:49 am

What are Barneys plans to decrease the debt

12/9/2013 03:53:33 am

Is Barney concerned about the possibility of legalizing too many immigrants into the already crowded America?

Molly Sharr
12/9/2013 04:00:18 am

How exactly will he resolve issues in America first? Do you think it is possible to actually solve all problems in America before resolving problems outside of the country?

Barney Stinson
12/17/2013 07:30:40 am

What a good question Molly! I'm glad that you brought up the point of issues outside of the country that will effect America. I am quite aware of the issues outside of America such as the Mexican drug cartels and the issues in the Middle East such as our relations with Iran. Though these issues our quite pressing, I believe the best way to start fixing them is to first begin to fix our country. Don't get me wrong Molly, I care a lot about these issues outside of the country, I just believe we need to fix our country first in order to more efficiently solve these pressing issues. And obviously and ideally I would like to solve all the issues in America before addressing those out side of it, but that is not a very likely reality with our country being more and more affected by our interconnected and globalized world. I would just like to help the American people first and as much as I can before fully and completely solving the problems outside of our country. I will not ignore these outside issues, I will just put more focus on the American people.
Thank you and God Bless!
Barney Stinson

Simeon Goode
12/9/2013 04:02:24 am

How does Barney and the party plan to deal with it if people don't agree with each other on what issues are important? I feel like they may end up promising to deal with more than the government can handle...

Justin Mayse
12/9/2013 04:04:51 am

how does barney feel about higher taxing for the rich?

12/9/2013 04:14:12 am

Will destroying the party system and issueing you the president of your own party make you more of a dictator? Or are there ways you have planned to avoid this? Are you concerned with how the general public will see this?

12/9/2013 04:16:34 am

Who is Barneys running mate? What is his stance on the environment?


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    December 2013

